Tuesday, February 26, 2013

An Old Horror Film for a New Follower...

                                The Classic Universal monster ... "Tarantula".....
            We loved this movie as a kid... Tried to watch it whenever it was shown on TV...
So, Kiddies, ... We give you the original film in its entirety.... Be sure to watch for a younger Clint Eastwood at the End.... And here are a couple of pics of the Town at the End....
                                               He is the one who "Napalms" the Spider


  1. I can't remember how many times I watched this and Earth vs The Spider on Saturday afternoons.

  2. I always liked "Earth vs. the Spider"... Probably the most enjoyable film that Bert Gordon ever made...

  3. Nothing beats Universal Monsters.
    Thanks for sharing, Doc.

  4. I read a story on the internet, about how a guy who had a pet tarantula got tarantula hairs stuck in his eyeballs (tarantula hairs are barbed) after handling his tarantula then rubbing his eyes. They don't know how they're going to remove them.
