Not the film that we thought it was....
it was more like a screwed-up version of "Spiderman" ....
and it is only in the last minutes of the movie that we get to see the Stan Winston "creature effects"
Another Giant Spider film...
This time "Earth vs. the Spider" released under American International... from the Giant Monster guy of the 50's and 60's... S.Z.Arkoff .... and probably his most enjoyable film as well....
This was one of my favorite movies to watch on TV as a kid.....
The SFX and story are by Bert I. Gordon
It Seems that they have deleted This one as well Kiddies ... We give you these "clips"...
And I found an Updated version as well...
The Classic Universal monster ... "Tarantula".....
We loved this movie as a kid... Tried to watch it whenever it was shown on TV...
So, Kiddies, ... We give you the original film in its entirety.... Be sure to watch for a younger Clint Eastwood at the End.... And here are a couple of pics of the Town at the End....
One of my favorite shows from my early childhood....
The "original" Ghost Busters....
Rest in peace ... Forest Tucker... and the Great Bob Burns.....
Larry Storch is the only one of the three still living He is about 90 years old now ....
Here is a story that I have in my collection... It would have made a Great post for Valentines Day...
A special thanks to the great horror comics blog "The Horrors of It All" I never really liked the fact that the last page of this story was printed on the inside of the back cover... But as always .. I enjoy the art of Richard Corbin... And these color stories from Creepy and Eerie were always a pleasure to run across...
I just checked the weather ... Radar shows a giant "V"-shaped storm ...
I live at the "tip" of the point of this storm .... oh well.....
it made me think ..."You are Here"