Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Well The Crypt is a Year Old Today...

I have been with you good people for a year now ..... Thank you all for your support...I will put together a gathering of posts for this day .... But it looks like I will be the only one to celebrate this day....
                                      so Birthday wishes to Dr. Theda and the Crypt


  1. Happy Birthday, good Doctor! And miles of 'smiles' in the coming years!

    1. Thank You for the Birthday wishes... ...
      Mouse cable is "screwed" having problems... And "racing thoughts" is one of the main reasons that I seldom Sleep''' lying there and my "mind" just will Not "Shut Up"... ...but I have not "exploded" like the one in your Drawing.... as always ...I really Like your use of black and white ...and then the use of "Blue"...Cool style...

  2. A very Merry Un-Birthday to Theda's Crypt!
