Monday, August 6, 2012

Spore "Crashed Again....

                                            All I can do is to "Save" game Often...
The Cheat code is first press " Ctrl+Shift+C " to get box ...then type in " spacecreate" Enter and Make Worlds of your own.... I enjoy making "Tentacle" type worlds in
 I like to Create" My Own worlds and to populate them with my collected "Monsters" from my cargo hold...( I hate the "limited" space") I often go back to these worlds on "Hunting Trips" to restock my cargo holds.... I really enjoy hunting them down with my teleporter beam....
I also really enjoy making "Epic" versions of my monsters to place upon these worlds

Here we have an "Epic" Dark Young ( another Lovecraft monster) attacking my ship....
 well back of the continue to build upon the "Green Slime Empire"... with the use of the "Wormhole Key"...I have been having fun with the Black Holes ....Never know just where I will "pop" out ...right now on opposite side of Galaxy from where I Need to be....oh well ..It keeps my mind "occupied" ....
                                                                  Later kiddies

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