Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Questions Anyone...????

                                    I know much on many topics....Any Questions ....just Post.....
                                          I will try to answer any Questions given
According to the federal Gov. I have an IQ of well over 150..... This was Over 25 years ago.....
                                        Ask us "Anything" and we shall try to find your "answer"......
             I know Many years of research.... (A Lot for D&D.....creating "worlds" takes some "work")
I am Dying ... and wish to Pass On whatever Knowledge the I know to Others.....
 Where as most people take information "in one ear & out the other" as a "filtering" mechanism" My brain acts like a "sponge" keeping EVERYTHING....!!!! This combined with my other "mental" issuse makes for a "mess" if I Do Not Keep It Occupied....... I Need My Sims....
                                      The good Doctor will "watch over Stacey" tonight


  1. Not doing our "best" and contemplating our "Mortality" .... Health issues are a concern.....
    Breathing is "difficult" ....
    I do believe that one of my many accidents or "Falls" will do me in ....I already "bruised my only Lung:" ....in one minor "tumble"... So I Am F%#ked.... there is nothing much that I can do....
    "Stacey" is Not Doing very well....

  2. I will throw away all of the "food stuffs" from kitchen (Tomorrow is trash pick-up.... And then further POISON Everything ....Not Just the Kitchen but the Entire house.....
