Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Green Slime Mold Culture Missing....

                     Slimemolds are a combination of Fungus And Animal cells combined....
For this Species to be "green" indicates the presence of Chlorophyll ....that would indicate "Plant Cells" in these growths... which is unheard of... I heavily research and studied these and Lichens prior to My Bank robbery... My Mom threw out my "cultures" ... and killed two of our trees ( Lost another during "Hugo" back in 89')......
  I do Not think that Any "monsters" ....will "grow" from the missing growth....But I cannot help but wonder....                          "Where it is".....


  1. Will be starting to grow harvested cultures of this "growth" (I know of only 3 places in this town where this can be found....

  2. Lichen has plant cells along with Fungus..But "slime-Molds" do Not have "Plant Cells"...!!!!!
    thus making this "Green Slime Mold" unique....!!!!!
    I spent years researching this "growth".... .
    According to scientific Research .....Slime Molds have an IQ of 1 to 3 ..... Thus making it an "interesting" thing for me to "focus" Upon..... I will start cultures from these "Growths"... & see what I can come up with.... MEL....(:"Manical Evil Laughter")

  3. I think I shall enjoy raising a "crop" of "Green Slime Mold" Cultures .....I Have FAILED with my Pumpkin Patch.....

    1. Interesting little things.
      I'll keep to my carnivorous plants, they're relatively easy to grow and they keep pesky flies to a minimum...

  4. My Slime Molds will Feed upon the "Vermin" that it encounters....
