Saturday, October 1, 2011

Away in the Madhouse

One of the mental health places that I called sent Three cops to my house to "check" on me (nerves are throughly Trashed now)...... now Not doing well at all....... Sanity just went "bye Bye" ........ I should be back within one week.....and will continue my Blog....... Hopefully we can piece whatever is left of my "sanity" back together during my short "vacation" ....LOL  Not to worry I will be back by next weekend.... Your Insane host Dr. Theda.....

I just found out that the "Fucking Morons let my dog Out.... If I do not get Uno Back .... I will take it out on this town and everyone else..... Just smashed two computer monitors. Ripped the back door off and threw a chair through the wall......then proceeded to trash the living room

The one Officer showed up and found my dog .. he then came back and picked me up to take me to him...poor dog was terrified.... So me and Uno rode in the cop car home....He Is SAFE at Home now....

I cannot take much more.....

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