We are not Dead yet...... just running behind at Everything.....
Sorry about that Folks.....
How about a song for your late evening.....
We have mostly been at my Spore worlds.... the enhanced "Graphics" are Great....
Thanks again to Alex.....
And Monday's Monster" (a bit Late).... before morning.....
One of my Favorite comic book Villains..... Evil Ernie......!!!!!
been "dealing" with some "things" over the last few days..... (Some of these rather "unpleasant"....)
we will see what we can "dig up" for posting later in the Evening....
and Alex got my computer up to par (awesome new video card) .... also been trying to have a "playable" Spore Galaxy .... spent many hours at that... plus helps to keep my mind off of some things for a bit... Had to see about rescheduling Dentist appointment ... and we see the Heart and Lung doctor..... (on the 21st) .... Friends are having "issues"..... some have been asking Stacey for "Advice", as well... some of these will end "Badly".....
So been trying Not to "Think" of "Things".....
well Thanksgiving was a good one this year.....
Ate well for dinner.... (did not feel up for more food later) ....
the my Friend came over.... and we all got completely "intoxicated"......
... so could barely even use my computer.... had a good time... and later rested well....
was in poor spirits at first yesterday... it was my Mom's Birthday and the date that she died as well..... still miss her very much.... my Sister and Brother have gone to the mountains to pay their respects (where her ashes were scattered) ... that elevation and changes in barometric pressure could cause the "orb" in my chest to pop.... so we did not risk going with them...
We hope that you All have a great Family Meal....
and Christmas is almost upon us as well....
been at Spore... going to get a couple of hours of sleep before my Sister shows up to pick us up for our Family Dinner...
Things have really "been afoot".....
Finally in better "spirits".... things have been more than "Bit" HECTIC.... and we will post "some" of these "details" ... and we are "mentally" a bit more "stable" at present..... kind of "Lost it" for a bit there.... just was Too Much (and All at the Same Time)..... seems was More than we could "Take"....
... Things have actually been Much Worse at times in the Past.......
Thank you many good Viewers for "Sticking with us" during this time... and the "Encouraging" comments were of a Lot of help at some of the Darker parts.....
Well Tomorrow is Thanksgiving..... and would have been My Mother's Birthday"....
we will return later with more details .... (and have been playing a Lot of Spore....)
Another Holiday is nearly upon us....
going to have a Nap for a bit... nearly no sleep in days....
chilly here.... about to feed dog ("Casper") and lie down in back room...
been working on my Spore... (will not allow me to have some of my old designs)
went to Monroe yesterday and got a few things done... and my Dad had OfficeMax enlarge and laminate this image of my Spore Galaxy to use for game reference while playing... should be very helpful,,,,,
seem to have "Lost it' and trashed the kitchen with a crowbar (and anything else that we could grab)....
.... Over "Peaches"....!!!! we are not well....
glass everywhere... a couple of throughly destroyed chairs... a reall "mess.....
triggered by a can of peaches..... the was to have been my "Meal for the evening.... nearly No food in house... much less anything that we can actually eat (since my teeth have been removed)... was looking forward to the peaches as a bit of a "treat".... So No more "Visitors"... if that is the "respect" that I get in my own home...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cannot "check into the Looney Bin at present ... the Holiday and all... (poorly "understaffed")....
this "outburst was the worst in several years....
may or may not attempt to clean up the "Mess" tomorrow... told "house Guest" (who I know did not take the peaches) that he has a week to be gone....
do Not even want "so called" Friends" here anymore....
still hearing small bits of glass fall from time to time..... we are Not Well... Sorry Folks....
to some extent any-way... so we are "pleased"... does Not "behave" like my previos version.... just a bit more of a "Challenge"... but we will succeed.,....
the "scan" (been running for hours)... just finished.....
Hope that things run better Now..... Alex said that he would stop by later to see about things....
Tired of being everyone's "floor mat"
Try to be "nice" and (even with Very "limited" resources") we still try to help others....
seldom even a bit of "Gratitude"... we do Not "Help" them expecting "Anything" in return...
... They just see Stacey as something to "use".... and we have grown Tired of this ...!!!!!!!!!!!!!
... Maybe We Should "Show" them ALL.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We were raised as a "Southern Gentleman" from a a Very young age....
Leto had best give us a very good performance as the Joker.....
He may not like us very much if He "Fails" to "live-Up" to the roll
Do Not ever "underestimate" Stacey.....
Fat Perverted A$$-Hole went to a house to serve papers... they were Not home...
so him and his largest officer knocked on the neighbor's door... ask him a few questions... the said that they wanted to search his home (without any warrent...) the guy refused... he turned to walk back inside and Fat-A$$ and the other officer jumped him and handcuffed him .... then while he was on the ground (face-down) proceeded to kick and beat this man .... in front of many witnesses...!!!!!
Reblog of this injustice..... oh, and it was a black man that they attacked ... for No reason...!!!