Monday, April 1, 2013

Ghostly Activity.... Again...

While company was over last night... it ran through the Kitchen... Lighter foot-falls like those of a child ... instantly followed by heavy thudding footsteps in the side room...  ... What should I do...???
                                                          Other than call Them....

                                           It just started back up a few months ago....
The "footsteps" in the side room actually sent vibrations through the floor ... since I sit in a "gaming" chair upon the floor ...I can tell that there was "weight" behind those footsteps....  Witnessed by other people Not just "my imagination"....!!!


  1. Maybe I should have labeled this one "B" is for "Boo".... Seriously,... I have to put up with this...

  2. We are afraid that if I were to try and "get rid of it"... It might get "upset" ... and then turn "nasty".... If it is Not just some "lesser spirit"... Signs point to "something" of a Much darker nature...Still, the situation worries us at present...

  3. We had a ghost for a while after moving into our home. Lots of weird stuff going on, but it didn't feel threatening. We later learned that one of the previous owners comitted suicide in the driveway. However, after we learned of this and started referring to the spirit by name, the activity was less and less frequent, and now we feel that he's crossed over. Good luck with yours!
