Monday, April 1, 2013

Blogger Challenge.... "A" is for Alien...

                                                    This was a Great Movie...!!!
                                         As was the One back in the summer of 1979...

and one for Alien 3...

                                               They even made a Halloween costume....
                                      And the Stan Winston "Mama Alien" was Awesome....


  1. The 'Alien' film series was great! I didn't get to see any of them until the 90's, as I was not born / too little for it before then, but the effects never really seemed dated like some science fiction and horror effects do. (Not that that prevents me from liking it anyway!)

    I also love Giger's artwork, so seeing creatures / a ship based on some of his designs was a fantastic bonus :)

    Thanks for posting the pictures of the Halloween costumes; I'd never seen those before! Pretty sure a person wearing one of those would be way scarier than a "xenomorph" >.>;

  2. I spent several days watching this movie again and again (21 Times!!!) i loved the first film and became "obsessed" with gathering every magazine article I could of this Great Film...
