Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Zombie Apocalypse.......2012

          December 21st of this year ... you may want to celebrate your holiday just a bit early...
"The Countess" at the great Halloween Blog, "2nd Street cemetery"... was going over this topic......
  Well some ancient Pre-Flood texts state that in the end times..."the Dead shall rise up and Eat the living..."
Well I do Not know what to tell you .. Many Christians believe in the coming of the "Rapture" ....thus bringing in the End of Times  .... Well the Church many years back changed the wording ( King James did so Often) Our dead loved ones shall rise up and "Greet" the living.... Something to ponder upon ...Kiddies
Thanks to "Twisted Toons"...
And the Date of "Dec.21st" is also the ancient Assyrian "Day of the Ashaku-Demons".....
                                               and this great image of the Film "Zombie"


  1. That is very interesting, how the wording was changed. I didn't know that. I guess it was to make it less frightening. Great post.
