Saturday, August 4, 2012

One Thing That REALLY Urks Me...

other than "Rude People".... is the fact that I AM Dyslexic...!!!!

                                            This makes Typing "Anything" a real task for me.....

                        Sorry Kiddies ...but that is why I normally Post "images" not so many words....

1 comment:

  1. the More that I think about it ....It is actually Great to be the "Town Boogeyman"
    few people if any will "F**k with Me"...
    Many Know of my health situation and are afraid that Someone will "set me Off"... since I am Dying...They Know that ...I will take "everyone" to Hell with me...
    So people ( mainly the "bad" ones Leave me be...) I may or may not "loose It".... by the first of the year I will know Much more on my "current Health"... and an "estimation" of just "How Long" until I am going to be "Bed-Ridden"..... Only then Will We begin to Make our "Decisions"....
