Thursday, August 2, 2012

Good Morning....

after waking from less than three hours of sleep...I find that my dog ("Casper") is gone rushed to locate him.... the New cable that my Sister bought for me less than a week past...had "come apart"...( We got the best quality cable at the hardware store)
My new phone worked for less than Two Days.... ( now says "Line In Use") So I had to walk to find a neighbor ( who would be awake at that time and at their home)
Upon returning the pliers that I had to borrow ....I began to have really bad chest pains then breathing tried to quit... a few more steps and I collapsed in their driveway.... (apparently someone called the cops...for they came by a few minutes after I had made it home) and all this before 8:30am...
 Now I wonder just What the rest of the Day has in store for me...???
 Wish us luck Kiddies.... I will shave (Nerves are good enough for me to do so for now)... and get ready to go to group therapy... then on to Social Services to give them even More Paperwork... to try and get my $60.oo a month Food Stamps re-enstated... , ... You try to live on $60.oo of food a Month .... doing Great lost over 30 lbs in just a few months... ( Now weigh in the 120's)... My existence (Things would have to drastically improve before it could be called a "Life") though miserable, I still try my best ...but "my Best" is not going to be near "good enough"... So on the bright side.... the fact that I am dying... does Not seem that bad...  Sorry for being so "depressing"..... and really wish that I had something "good" to tell you good folks.... best wishes to you all....    the Doctor


  1. Ramen - 5 for $1. Hotdogs 8 for $1. Pizza $1.99. It can be done.

    1. No working fridge at moment and I have to continue to poison the Kitchen ...I have never had Roaches before....Now they are beginning to move into other parts of the house..... Had to throw away almost All of my furnishings in my home....

  2. Things could always be worse... things Have been much worse at times in the recent past.... We Will Make Do as Best as We Can....

  3. As I said things can always get worse... they cut my food stamps by another 1/3rd...
