Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Butterflies.... and the Death of My Pumpkin Patch....

 Here is the One to be Carved this evening...

Tomorrow I will go out to my Vines and locate just where at in the vines and runners that these little buggers have infested.... I will take a small straight pin and poke hones in these vines at about 8 to 10 inches from noticeable infestation this should kill most of them... then with green florist tale cover their wounded areas... I Will try to save my Crop...!!!
                                      Since it was "Butterflies" that have done This...
                                            How about an old Terror Tale....???

Damn it Jim,...I'm a Doctor Not a Magician

 Did Not get to have the "Get Together" that I wanted... But Things turned out rather well....

                                                                         Later Kiddies....

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