Only One week and the rest of this Day till that Special Night.... "Halloween"...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A little "print and Make" Jack-o-Lantern "Treat_Box"...

Remember to give out "Treats"... (some "poor choices" can get your house "egged"...)

Little Sam will be "Watching" you this Hallowe'en Night...

Time keeps getting "shorter".. Not much time left till the "Big Night" !!!!!

Remember the "Rules of Hallowe'en"....!!!!

Never take down "decorations" till After Midnight....

Been at Spore since yesterday morning (few "short" breaks between between)... And to post at the Crypt...
ReplyDelete... may try to rest soon... More Holiday posts to come... if we awaken shortly.. More posts...!!
Time waits for no one and is indeed running out. Hope you have everything sorted out for the big day. Warm greetings.