Saturday, October 12, 2013

From this day forth my thougts be bloody......
Yes we live in this HELL....
We are Sorry to inform you that this "attack" has released All "restraints" upon the "Monster" inside of whatever is left of Stacey....
We wish to remove his good eye with a dull fork.... May ask someone for this as a "gift" to make Stacey feel a  bit better.....


  1. Sorry to hear that doctor. Take care of yourself.

  2. Was awakened this morning by a phone call of someone offering me His eye on a fork... we declined their offer

  3. We have since not only found out that this "crack-head"did This... but was also Attacked and beaten in the face... (about 4 minutes the second attack...
    by this same person.... we should have accepted the "offer"
