Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Winner Of the "Rondo" for "Best Blog" is...,.

                                                   The Award went to a Great and deserving Blog.....
                                            "The Collinsport Historical Society"
                                                  I really love this Great Blog.....
                   While viewing over their Many posts... it "takes us away" from our troubles ....
              I imagine myself at the Old House relaxing... while a music box plays in the distance...
                                                         And so many post on Barnabas.....

                          I still have my Barnabas poster hanging on my wall since my youth...
                                      A big "congratulations" to a truly deserving Blog...
I would vote for him.

                  They sometime even have a bit of "Fun"   Check out their web-site kiddies...


  1. I was always in love with Barnabas...luckily my husband was understanding...I think he may have had a thing for Vicky...
