Sunday, April 7, 2013

Smile with Bones and Skulls...

  We are back Home now... had a pleasant visit... Sat around the burn barrel till about 5:00am...
                                    A few images that we have run across....

                                                           I remember these stickers...
Print and make your own little skull.....

                                And a bit of humor to brighten your Sunday Afternoon...
                                            So sit back and have a drink....
                                                      A friendly little reminder.....
                                We will Be back  Later with our post for "G".....


  1. Garbage Pail Kids were both gross and wonderful at the same time! My older sister collected lots of them and gave them to me when I was a child, since she was far too "grown up" for things like that! (I still have them though, haha)

    The last image is adorable :)

  2. just images that we have gathered over some time... glad that you enjoyed this post dear Lady Lilia...
