Thursday, April 11, 2013

"Demon Voodoo" a Rather Odd Request...

                                                   This is a bit different Kiddies...
                    Now Who out there is attempting to "play" with the forces of Darkness...???
                                            Not always a very good idea Kiddies...
                                              Never seen a Female of "The Baron"....
 Those who participate in the ceremonies (and the "wild Dance" ) open themselves up as a "host" for the spirits that they have called forth... thus willing allowing themselves to become "possessed"...
The "sigils (symbols) etched in the "Vede" ( the circle and accompanying designs) determine just which "Spirits" are to be called forth...
                           So what did you wish to know about "Demon Voodoo"...???
                    "Santeria" is a closer topic for this search.... Good luck and be Careful....


  1. There is a great documentary film of Haitian voodoo rituals called "Divine Horsemen: The Living Gods of Haiti.

    It's great because they basically just recorded the actual rituals.

    1. I watched that one a while back... Stacey has studied the "Occult" since childhood...
