Tuesday, April 9, 2013

"A-Z"... "I" is for "IT".....

                                                 Hello from "Pennywise, the Dancing Clown".....
                         People are always telling us how this TV movie really scared them as a kid.....
                              A Great movie ...(Especially since it was made for Television) ....
                This clown was "scary"...!!! ( even to those who were not already afraid of "clowns")
                                  Let's hear it for "Pennywise".... the Bringer of Nightmares....


  1. This night I will have nightmares!!!!!!!! :o

  2. The second image and last one are great! :)

    I've never really been scared of clowns (maybe because I collect strange-looking clown dolls, who knows), so Pennywise wasn't that frightening to me. Actually, he seemed kind of amusing, but I liked the book/film 'IT' anyway.

    PS: Thanks for your comments on HSL & sorry it's taking me a while to respond!

  3. I was a little bummed when the "killer clown" is showed for like 15 seconds in that movie, Cabin in the Woods. They should create a second one for that movie with this guy and that Hell Lord guy as the main baddie.
