Sunday, July 30, 2017

Internet Functioning ... for Now

Windstream said that the "issue" should be fixed by August 2nd... (Phone service issues as well)

 Not very "happy" about that.... So making posts will be "hit or miss" till then... sorry about that.
                                                     About to fix a cup of coffee...


  1. Lost service again right after posting... back now... and keeps going out... this (and Windstream) Sucks...

    1. They sent a pleasant repairman told him the problems... (Seems that someone had another user's "wire" attached to my own... so he removed it yesterday... They (Windstream) at least have some good (and helpful) service guys...

  2. Greetings, hopefully the issue should be resolved once and for all. I wouldn't worry too much about it, just hang in there.
    And all the best at the doctor's hope all goes well with the scan. Best wishes!

    1. Bad and will see How bad tomorrow... Always good to hear from you, good Sir... and Thank you for the well wishes... and Hello from Marshville...
