Friday, June 23, 2017

Visitors to My Home Attacked...

"Something" kept throwing Shampoo Body wash, and the bar of soap at him and her in the bathroom the other night.. then likes to Bang loudly on the ceiling above the tub...
Do not know if it does Not like them ... or is just being "playful"... this is Not how it normally does to visitors... usually much more "subtle" in its actions... especially messes with him should he enter my bathroom... (he asks his girl to accompany him if he has to enter that room....

cannot help but to laugh about it scaring them... Though it does not normally throw things at visitors..
                      How do I "rationally" explain these things to my young Friends ??


  1. Already talked to the cops a bit ago (reported something apparently stolen from my home)...
    as we have said ... Never a Dull Moment...

  2. and just learned last night of another "thing" (black human-shaped... with Green eyes like small lights... ) about two houses down on other side of street..
    basically it roams about in between the smaller pine trees of the back of their property about every night.... and he (the neighbor) is terrified of it...
    he says he can see it roaming about My young Friend has also seen this "it"... last night it was darting between the small trees keeping pace with him walking towards my house... and was told that this "it" has been around for over a year...

    1. The only sounds this "It" is said to make are the faint (far-away ??) sounds of children... that part is rather "Creepy"...

  3. We just try to "ignore" such happenings...
