.... well accomplished what we set out to do in my game world......
My new design of a "spaceship" and its two occupants.... now own the Largest "arsenal" in my entire game world.... over 20 "Servo Robots" ("Death Borgs") as "soldiers" ... and about 100 "malfunctioning" ..."Sentry Bots" ( which when placed in game play... proceed to go berserk and start attacking Everyone)... as well a a batch of "incendiary bombs" and quite a few "knock-out" gas canisters.... ... They are ready for all out War....

and the best part is ... we can install as many "duplicates" of this "lot" as we wish , and give this massive arsenal to my other Sims... thus "heavily armed" characters for game play....
this took me from before dark till about 4:00am....