We were able to get about 6 hours of rest...( better than usual).... just got up anf fixed a pot of coffee... (brain will take a bit to full awaken),.... Thus the "Misery" will not really set in until a bit later.....
... so posting while brain is still some-what "groggy"... Later the depression will have set in ....
later we will tell you good viewers some of "what" set off this terrible "Misery"....
eyes are beginning to "water" so before vision gets too "blurry" let us see "what" we can post....

We will most likely crawl off into Spore or Sims2 soon to give my mind something other to think on....for a bit over a month now, the "voices" have been very "quiet"....so we are truly "alone" most of the time these last few weeks...
Yes things are "bad" for Stacey and will only worsen... but trying Not to think on that for now..
..... Well, Enough "Depressing Crap" for now ......
We do Not wish to make any of you feel badly... so let us be more "upbeat" (for now) before our brain figures out what I am doing..... it has a way of "shooting down" Any "pleasant" thoughts that we may have..... Try Not to let the lesser things "get to you"... there are Always much worse things waiting to befall us....and trying Not to care about your problems at all... can have some really Bad effects... you can even become completely "cold and uncaring over Everything.. basically "Dead inside".... cherish what you have... for Nothing lasts forever....
The Sesame Street gang is preparing for Thanksgiving next Thursday... And even Big Bird is "helping out"....
We hope that you folks had a good lunch....Just a few images to try and at least get a "Smile" out of Stacey....
How About a song.....
And try to think of something about which to "Smile".....
Trying Very had to be more "upbeat" today....
ReplyDelete... At least we Are trying...