Thursday, October 4, 2012

Dr. Evil....

I am going to try ( Probably after the Halloween Rush) ...To make a short "Pod-Cast" style interview with this retired "Horror Host"    I can most likely talk him into doing so in "make-up" as Dr. Evil... I knew him Many years ago... A truly Good Man with a Great sense of humor....
                              More on this to come... wish us luck Kiddies...
                                               Here is  a Clip that I found on You Tube...
Jim as he looked 30 years ago...
                               His "first customer" looks a lot like "Jim" in heavy make-up....


  1. Sadly I just found out from Phil's Wife (Amy) that they will Not be running "Dr. Evil,s Haunted House" this year...

  2. That it is ..Dr. Evil ran a "Midnight Spook Show" back in the late 50's into the 60's... a bit before My time...

  3. Wonderful bit of history in those photos. Thanks for sharing Doc!

  4. Look for More with "Dr. Evil" in the coming year....
