Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Past...

                                                          It Sometimes lets me post an image....
                                                                         The Past...
- the future is liquid while the past is carved in stone
"the years have changed me Sir..."
-In time our torments may become our elements
-things fade ... alternatives exclude...
you did not get there overnight, so you will Not resolve things without taking time...
-No future but that which we make for ourselves
-the past is past and cannot be fixed
-Past Is Present....
-we remember every past "wrong' against us
-"Never Forget-Never Forgive"....
 - We Have to Let Go of the Past ...Before It is Too Late
-The Past does Not change things... but it Has Changed Me
-Bad Decisions make good stories
- The Past is GONE....
- Think about the Future....
-It is not good to reflect upon your life and All of its "random injustices'....
-We can NEVER escape our Past...
-"Keeping the Old Fires (of Hatred) Burning
-Always dwelling on the "Woes" of so long ago....
-Nothing is "Ended" ..until it is Forgotten
   It "Sucks when you know that you need to let go..., But you Can Not because you are still waiting for the "impossible" to happen.....
- When you hold resentment toward another, you are "bound' to that person, or condition by an emotional bond, a link that is stronger than steel.....Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free...
....I would rather Keep the " Old Fires Burning"....Sometimes "Spite is the only thing that keeps me going...
                                Just remember One Thing....There is NO future in the Past...

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