Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Trying to "Hold things together..." having "trouble" with posting "images"... Cannot figure "How" (newer "format"...??


  1. Are you using the new interface? It's a bugger, isn't it? If so, make sure you're clicking the "question mark" at the top and sending feedback to Blogger so they know how unfit for purpose this new creation is.

  2. With Old Blogger, I used to use the click-drag-and-drop method of putting images into my draft posts but New Blogger doesn't allow this anymore, rats! Now you have to upload the images from your computer photo files which is slower and involves more steps. There's a little "insert image" icon on the extended tool bar at the top of the post that you must use. I hate New Blogger.

  3. Oh this new Blogger grrrr like Tim said do the reporting to help fix the bugs. I was able to post the way I use to again this week so they are listening to us. Best of luck.

  4. I noticed today that I can return to the "legacy version" of Blogger, so it looks like we're stuck with this version. Seems like there's more keystrokes involved in some of the options than before.

  5. Hey Doc. Almost every blog in my list has shut down, but you are still going strong. Hang in there sir.
