Sunday, September 30, 2012

Started a New Culture of Green Slime Mold...

I will have pictures within the next few days.... A Much larger culture than the missing test tube....
 I will be starting to grow more samples of this unusual "creature"... as I said before ...."Slime Mold" is a combination of animal and fungus cells...( No Plant cells... so how is it "green"??)
It also possesses a form of "intelligence" (some scientists say an IQ of 1-3..!!!!)
                                                  Smarter than a mouse....See..!!!!


  1. Very creepy!! That can't be possible :S

  2. The rain flooded the "Culture"... So I will strain off the extra water an start feeding the cultures different grains and see what they like best....(do Not have oats to feed them yet....
