Muppets and something a bit more "Cute"... Enjoy..
And substitute the "bleeps" of the Count with the word FV<K.... and laugh...
The "Mouse" Owns poor Kermit now...
Grover thinks its aa Great idea... idea...
Hoping to obtain correct "foot-pegs" and "neck-adapters" to complete my "Pennywise" !!!
This is closest to Plans for 2019... (and get to watch "IT Part II" in Theater)
Things not their best... but doing better (for now).... we have to have my home in order for the arrival of my Brother's Kids...!!! Still doing kitchen (so can access side bedroom )...
This one pretty well sums up how we are dealing with "Things" for now...
drinking a beer ... trying to not think too much on current "issues"....
Wishing All a pleasant evening...
and Hello from Marshville... Rains have passed for now as well
here in the living room.... Even a new leak ... right over my computer !!
Several leaks in here...
things a bit "hectic"... Brother was taking apart kitchen to give it a Total cleaning... (which it has needed for some time... my health limits how much we can do at a time... so do cleaning (that we can) several times each week... messes still accumulate...
This is the part of ceiling that fell on my computer (a few months back)....
Computer covered with plastic as we type this... may post later... sorry about that Folks...
"Flex-Seal"... is a "rip-off"... cracks after only a month or two (at most) from sunlight damage
Called my only Aunt to wish her merry Christmas.... (even though she lives in another state) have not seen her since Grandma's funeral... was told she died back in October... so was miserable for most of Christmas... ... And as a Bonus Holiday Gift.... my Brother and his three kids will be moving in Here (indefinitely) So no place to go to get away from our troubles...
was looking over old posts... seems the last time we felt this bad was when that crack-head trashed my home and broke many expensive Collectables... that was five years ago...
the Holidays are supposed to be a time of cheer and happiness.... not around here...............
so, at least two or three months of misery.... if cannot take this "mess" simple, Stacey will be no more