Looking rather "hopeless"... Still Trying....
Started an Empire (from "Tribal" stage) as current Empire... Most ALL other Empires "crash" game quickly... Looks like we loose the last Seven months of work...
Just had "Coffee accident"..... a small wood-chip had become stuck to the bottom of the Styrofoam cup (that we have used for a few days)... it caught upon a crack in the table... now hole in cup and a spout of coffee.. .... So, we stuck that cup into another Styrofoam cup very quickly (to prevent "mess") .... well when we turned up cup to have a drink ... all the fluid in the lower cup dumped in my lap....... quite a mess...
One that we remember from our Youth... (have not seen in over 30 years)... Enjoy....
Saving my Spore "Game-World" is looking less "hopeful"... but we are still Trying...!!!
Will have to delete my "Martians" (H. G. Wells-style) Empire next.. that will make 6 Empires removed since Friday...!!! We are trying to save my Game.... (Does Not look very "good")...
So will just stay in this corner and continue to try (Sims are All "lost")...
and remember (even with all the bad "crap" that happens) these are the Best of Times....
So Smile and make the "Most' of what Life dumps upon you...
After over 7 months of re-building my Spore Galaxy... ALL reduced to "Nothing" .... again...
Been playing "Worm-infested" corpses as "Captains".... "Adventures" part of the game seem to be working pretty well... the "Galaxy" (basic Spore) part of the game continues to "Crash".... still trying.... almost 5:00am here...
Trying to keep from having to delete Spore and start over....
Please have a bit of "patience" with us... rather busy trying to save my Spore...
My Computer... (actually, My Spore Game) Many game "crashes"...!!! Even deleted several "Empires"... still having "problems"...!!
even ran complete "defrag".... (took well over 3 hours for just that)...
Been at trying to get things working "right since a bit after 5:00pm yesterday (almost 9:00am now)
Was up till well after dawn (at Spore) so just now getting around to having made a pot...
stayed up preparing a small Adventure to post at Spore.com
and have part II nearly ready to post as well.... One of my creations (A "Borg Skeleton"), is in the "Most Popular New" list...
just having some re-heated coffee from last night...
Morning did not start very well... severe back pains ... a bad bout of coughing... then went to get up off of couch... stepped upon a tooth-pick stuck in foot at angle (till contact with bone)... did not want to pull free... luckily did not hit a vein, so little bleeding... and that was the "start of our day"....
But then again, things could Always be worse...
So try to not allow things to "get you down"... and remember to take time to just "Smile"....