From the "Charlie Brown" special.....
"Look Kid, ....I AM the Great Pumpkin".....
And a little Sam (from Cubee-Craft) for you to print and make for yourself.....
Another Holiday Post....
A vintage Halloween "cut-out"....
And we still have my little pumpkin to carve later....
We leave you for now with a couple of "creepy mazes" ..... Later...
a cool Graveyard Maze.....
we wish you and yours a very pleasant Holiday evening....
and a great weekend as well....
Computer's "mouse" still "screwed".... (having to use the (some-what "functional" one that we found)
.... This is making a "post" Much more difficult... Sorry about that Folks....
A vintage set of Halloween "place-cards" for your parties this weekend...
We hope you have enjoyed this month's posts and maybe even found one that gave you a "Smile"...
And remember "Papermau" for awesome printable paper projects... they have posted some really good ones for this Halloween season (and some good ones at "Ravens Blight" as well...)
my computer's "mouse" "crapped-out" on us.....
Currently using an older one that we found a bit ago.... (does Not work very well)
We will see what we can do about a "replacement" after sun-up....
Brought to you by Silver Shamrock Novitiates.....
Many of you will be visited by assorted small "creatures" ..... they will Knock on tour door and request Candy...
So be Nice to them folks... they are just kids....
Well in Most cases.....
By the way ...Today is "National Candy Corn Day"....
An "old" Halloween tradition.....
By candlelight , at Midnight you can make a "Wish" at Midnight....
And a Night for Witches... (image from "Toxic Toons")
"Clubs are for Witches".... never heard that one before....
.... a bit of fun...
We leave you with a Halloween song from the "Cool Ghoul" himself.....
A Favorite "Holiday" film that is very enjoyable.....
First up,.... "Jack".....
A Non-Cubee-Craft.......
This one looks pretty good when assembled.....
Some of the other residents of Halloweentown......
Create your own "Halloweentown" play-set....!!!
And more Cubee-Craft figures for you to print and make......
First up ...."Jack"....
or the "Santa" version.....
and his faithful pet ..."Zero"....
And some of the other characters as well.....
The Mad Doctor.....
and "Sally".....
The Mayor.... a "Two-Faced" politician...
A few other townsfolk of Halloweentown......
ahh, "Mr. Satan".....
Even the "Gill-Man".....
And the villainous "Oogie Boogie"....!!!
and Oogie Boogie's "Kids"
"Lock", "Shock" and "Barrel"......
a few others, like the "Clown with the tear away face" and the "Harlequin Demon"
and here come "Mr. Hyde" and the "Behemoth"..... .