A Very "eventful" Weekend....
Mostly in part to a "friend" ( That is How we have tried to think of him over the years....)
Known him for 30 years.... I only in the last couple of years learned that all the "Hatred" that we had for him as a kid ( back in the 90's) was "rumors" ...originating from a "fat old Bastard" who lived a couple of blocks over.... this "so-called" friend (We will call him "Jason" for the rest of this tale)
"Jason" was manipulated by this old drunkard (Always Drunk) father of a couple of teen boys.... and the old Bastard did not really like Jason ... and Stacey had refused to make "explosives" for this man.... So it was Summer again......
(let me tell you of how thing go come Summertime in this little town.....
First .... there is the "Boredom"......"Nothing" for people to do around here..... So, they begin really starting in on the "Rumors"..... (mostly trying to pit one (or more) residents against one another ( This has ended in blood and even Death)

They use these Rumors to get others "upset" and angry at their "Mark"....
For nearly 5 years they had Stacey ready to Kill Jason.... ( who was only a teen)... and all that "getting Stacey Upset"....really amused this old Drunkard.... even to the point of about to poison the water supply ... just to get him.... Blowing up his home was always an option.....
Jason and my young teen Brother always hung out at a drug dealer's house (we had been friends with his parents for Many years).... Jason and my Brother are lying , sneaky low-lifes these days.....
Now back to Jason......This drunken abusive piece of "Crap" (who Always has a "chip on his shoulder") always ready to fight Anyone...... is badly addicted to "Crack".... he will steal Anything that he thinks he could use to more of this deadly drug...!!!
Well he recently started seeing my good Friend ( who is recovering for rather Bad alcoholism) She is only 20 and Jason is 35...(found out later the Only reason for his seeing her was for money and trying to get "Laid"...!!!) ... at the beginning things were OK.... as soon as she had gotten herself a new job ... this "piece of worthless Crap".... talked her into buying him drugs.... ( and she thought that Jason actually "cared" about her)
He was using her to get all the Crack that he could.... two weeks ... over a period of only 5 days had her spend over $350.oo on his drugs and then called her a "whore" and verbally abused her for over an hour when she had No More money for him ... ( she was broke... he was even emptying her bank account ... till her Parents shut off her access to her account)...
Just over a month ago he got her and him overly drunk... well he took her back to his house..... While she was passed out ... he went and broke into some cars ... on his Own Street... even stealing one....
he tried to drag her into those charges... ( she was too drunk to stand ...much less do any Crime)...
They broke up several times ... till she finally decided not to have anything else to do with him)...
but he kept calling and texting her... For the last two weeks Jason has even been stalking her... her Parents are out of town for now and he has her scared to leave her home or even sleep of a night....
They came by a bit over a week ago.. it was raining.... told that they were walking...so, I let them use my only umbrella.... Well it would seem tahat he talked her into paying for him to get More "Crack"....
(as told to me by my Neighbor).. when they returned to my home ... Rather that wait until he reached his home at the end on my street.... he took a drop-cord ( for copper wires) and broke off my umbrella at my back steps to make a crack-pipe.... This was a couple of days before he broke into my Home and spray-painted "Stacy FV(K YOU " on my picture window. I had been talked into leaving my house by a good Friend to visit with one of our friends...( I was only gone fo 30 minutes...!!!)... He still claims Not to have done so.... So... the other night , my Friends, tired of his crap and the way Jason just uses Stacey.... Went to tell him Not to come back to my Home... he was too scared to come outside so his Step-father spoke to them.... ( I had pleaded with my friends Not to go... we knew that this would only make things Worse...!!!) We were Right.... he began making phone calls trying to turn others against Stacey with his lies.... Things not much better today....
We thought tat we owed you good viewers a explanation for our lack of posts over the last few days....
Oh, there is Much more to this sad tale... we just gave you the "Basics"....

Still Much more "Mess" to fall upon Stacey