Sunday, January 5, 2014

Just Too Much Bad News at One Time....

                                         As we said yesterday ... "Thinking to Do...."
Due to new info from Gov. .... My medical coverage has been drastically cut back... So we will have to only see the doctors very seldom... and the testing that they were supposed to start running the first of this year has been canceled... and the same document said that my food stamps ( just over $50.oo per month ) are to be reduced as well...
                                These "issues" just scratch the surface of our current problems...
Well.... Insanity or death are possible solutions... Like we said "Thinking to be done"....


  1. And add to that a $600.oo power bill...
    My monthly disability check is just a bit over $500.oo...

  2. How can your power bill be 600. I think they made a mistake.
