Monday, April 1, 2013

Well I Have to Finish Preparing for D&D Game ...

            Have to get together the notes on the "Islands" which they will travel to tonight...
                                          Later Kiddies ... I must write up "the Isle of Ravens"...


  1. On the larger island below the Isle of the Ravens.... There dwells a crazed Monster Maker creating flesh golems fr the parts of many dead bodies....
    The Isle itself has been used for over 300 years to dump and dispose of dead bodies...
    Originally an exclusive burial area for the well to do... before the "Curse".... Shunned by all but the Ravens who feast upon the bodies that are left on the Isle...

  2. The ship "the Black Raven" ( not very "original I know)...
    Has now been developed as well as the area in which they will be...

    Now have the Isle of raves and the three smaller islands written up add a few "Villains and Strange Characters" ... Add a few elements ... figure in the other random factors ( History of gameplay and Characters involved)... A few random determination rolls .... and the game begins to write itself...

  3. The Random determination aspects ... have just determined that the Great Old One ...."Dagon" at the bottom of the "Nocturnal Sea"... That ties together several of my "plot-lines".... Cool
