Saturday, September 8, 2012

Go to Bed Early ...and Miss Everyone...

I had to go to bed rather  early last night... I had spent over 36 hours  mostly scanning and posting...
 turned out to be a bit too much "eye-strain"... was starting to make Too many mistakes...
                                          Still trying to shake off this "Sleepiness"
Normally by now my nervous anxiety disorder would have me ready to bounce off the walls... but not right now ... my hands are even almost "steady"...This seldom Ever happens...
Well we are Back ....(I have a "surprise Birthday party" to attend near noon... )
I am normally up most all night.... since I was not last night the "Roach Invasion" tried to take over... three drown in my cup of coffee...( actually the Hot fluid killed them) ...This has Never happened before.... Later today I begin Poisoning again... They Will All Die ... Drawback... all these toxins are not very good on my health... but I do Not care my "Hatred" of these roaches wins out...
                                                  I will be rid of these vermin or die trying...

1 comment:

  1. I think that I hate much spiders than roach xD
    Here there's only have a kind of spider with venom (not dangerous), and I don't understand why a spider like those been on my room, and nobody helt me, I had catched it! >_< I can catched a roach, but not a spider!!
    (I hope you understand me ^^')
