Sunday, September 9, 2012

A Bit More Two-Face...

                                                                 Two-face escapes Again...
A very "interesting "pair" of Villains...

                                                             And even a bit of Baseball....
                                    But the "Coin" is his weakness...and his Main "Obsession"

                                                                     Dr. Arkham tried ....

Yes he is...a Very "unstable" mentality..

                                      If the Coin comes up "Bad"...You are F**ked...

And Now the background on his "Coin"...

                           Harvey was raised by a Very abusive Drunkard, who was Sadistic and cruel...
                                             His Mother left when he was very young,...
                                Almost Every night his father would come home totally "Drunk".....
                             He would fuss at poor young Harvey and threaten him with a "Beating"....
 He would give him a "Chance" to avoid the terrible beatings... He would hold up the coin ad tell the terrified "Harvey" that if the coin landed on "Heads" you was to be "Punished"...
 When Harvey was old enough to leave home... His Drunken father tossed his a "Going away Present" the "Coin"... Thus Harvey realized just what this abusive "Asshole" had done to him All of his Childhood...
                                                          as I stated A rather sad tale...

1 comment:

  1. Harvey Dent is almost as cool as the Joker. In a way they are the same to me with splint personalities. The Joker just goes with how he feels at the moment and Two-Face has to flip a coin to decide. However, I would say Batman has a bit of a split personality too.
