Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Past

The Past
 - the future is liquid, while the Past is carved in stone
-"The Years have changed me Sir"
-"In time our torments may become our elements" -Milton-
-things change alternatives exclude - the Dragon-
-You did not get there overnight, so you will Not resolve things without taking time
 -No Future but that which we make  for ourselves
-The Past is Past ....& Cannot be fixed
-Past is Present
-We remember every past "Wrong" against us...
 "Never Forget,,,Never Forgive"
 -We have to let go of the Past , before its too late
_Not very much left of that which I once loved
-The Past does Not change things ....It Has Changed Me
-"Bad descions " make good stories.
 -We remember every "bump" in that long and twisted path to our madness
- the Past is Gone
-When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition an emotional bond, a lik that is stranger than steel/ Forgivenes is the way to dissolve that link and get free
-memories are what our reason is based upon to reflect upon your life and all of its random injutices
-We can never escape our past (keeping the "old fires" alive.
-Always dwelling on the worst of so long Ago.
-It sucks when you know that you need to let go, but you cannot because your still waiting for the "impossible" to happen...
-it seems like a good idea at the time.
-Nothing is ended-until it is forgotten
-There is no future in the past.

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