Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hello again

well it seems that the "Countess" did not much care for my blog... That is fine by me ...I do not really care much for humans anyway.. Bad thing is that actually seeing that my blog "had a follower" had actually "lifted my spirits" and when you have suffered from manic depression for as many years as have I... you come to expect "Dissapointment" in life ... as I often say "Never get your hopes up"... Here are a few images.. I am also well versed in abnormal psychology ( I seem to have a combination of disorders myself) I did find another cool image of the Dr. Theda character (Thanks Rick Baker) ... So I guess I will just crawl back into my corner and try to stay out of the way of others for now... " a grave,..cold, dark & lonely..."a good day to you all .. If anyone even cares to visit my Crypt... the Doctor.

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