Thursday, December 5, 2013

Been Watching Ghost Clips on You Tube....

                       We are Not dealing with this "ghost" very well....
                               The more we find out the worse this seems...
first the "figure in this image ( which was seen by None of us in the room) is a "sharp Clear " image ...
 Many of these others that we have been viewing have Not had the "clarity" of this image....
The only similar image is from a stairwell in a castle in Europe.... And it stated that it was believed to be a "Demon" rather than a "ghost".... Great I have some sort of very old Demon from Europe in my Home ... Not to mention that the "thing" with its "hand" over the figure's lower face ... Would mean that It is More Powerful than the very old Demon... WTF....!!!

( the Computer guy who examined this image...used photo-shop to enhance and enlarge it ... what-ever he saw ... he wants nothing more to do with this picture...!!!) 
 We are at a Loss here Kiddies... We need to make sure Not to "piss-off" these "Things"....!!!

                           See ... we told you that "things can Always get Worse"....
                   Just keeping the "lights On" and normally up till at least dawn....
Activity in my back bedroom ( just a couple of weeks ago..) is why Stacey sleeps in the livingroom and Not the back bedroom... and at least the smaller one that showed up less than two months past apparently it left with Who-ever Broke into my Home and "Trashed" my Collection....For this sudden increase in "Activity" was rather un-nerving ....
 The one that seems to have left... would just come up beside of me... occasionally brushing against me .. thinking the cat had come inside .... while playing my "Spore"game.. reach down to pet her and my hand rubbed the floor upon drawing back my hand.. there was a small lump of black shadow "stuff" it would then  rush under my seat ( a mid-80's gaming chair which has me at floor level) or behind me into the corner.....
      I am glad it no longer comes up beside of me ... at least not that I see...
                                                  Any Suggestions...???
                 I am stuck here and will have to live with "what-ever" is in this House...
                                          Well.... At least my Life is Not boring...
At least it does not speak ... (Not trying EVP...  do Not Want to Hear it....!!!)
If it starts speaking... we may lose our remaing sanity....
                                       Not very "helpful" advice Kiddies...


  1. It is almost 4:00am here... may try to sleep for a few hours on the couch after the Sun comes up... We are not taking this well... A very old Demon and something more powerful than the Demon as well... Just Great...
    And Yes the lights will be on ... even through the daylight hours... Been keeping on All lights for a while now... the photo is the only "Proof" that I can now show others... If I were to say much otherwise... It was just my imagination... It is normally others , who are visiting who See "things"... as if they were 'avoiding" me...
    "What-ever" has increased its activity of late.... I do Not know what to do...

  2. Have you tried contacting any paranormal groups (ghost hunters). I'm sure there would be people out there who would be willing to help you for nothing. Try doing a search online for a group near you. :)

  3. Thank you dear Lady Emma... We left comments at a few places... And the Computer guy we had look at the picture was "freaked-out" by what-ever he saw...

  4. We went to the web-sites of the North Carolina Paranormal researchers...
    ask them for help... just do Not want this thing(s) "pissed-off" at me....
