Tuesday, September 4, 2012

We Came Up with a Plan.......................

My Uncle "Jimmy" and his Wife "Becky" were listed as "Executors" of My Grand-Mother's Will... Well They Decided not to file her last "Will and Testimemt" ... This is a Felony... So since my Sister's Wedding is in a bit over a Week Away.... I will "Talk" to them... If they do Not "Help-out" My Sister... I will turn them over to our State SBI offices as well as Cabarus County Police... I just found out that my "Uncle Jimmy" passed a few years back.... He may have been a "good man' ...but him and his Wife "Becky" are "money-grubbing AssHoles".... And I will turn Becky over to the "Authorities"....

                                                                  My Sister Deserves this...

1 comment:

  1. I Called My Aunt in VA....and ask her to take care of "matters"...
