Monday, August 6, 2012

Just Too Much "Crap" at One Time....

I should be accustomed to this by now... Depression is pretty bad today... and looking out my front door at what is left of my "Pumpkin Patch"...( the "borer-Grubs" got to them...rather badly)...
That Really lowers my spirits... ( My health probably won't be up to planting next year....)
 Got New Phone ....Said "Line in Use" all of the time they took it back...the replacement for it says "No Line".... other than possible health emergency I do Not really Need a Phone ...(other than "Tele-Marketers" I seldom receive any calls)
                               Oh yeah ....the "Crypt" turns a Year Old Wednesday ( another day or two).....
 No social occasion ( like I would have wanted) Just Me, Myself and I...( having "personality fragmentation " issues means least I will Not be Alone ...Lol) all of those I had asked to come by have since "declined" ...or "other things have come  up for that day....
                                Sorry folks for not "being up to par" right Now,,,, Later

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