Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Away in the Madhouse...

                                          We found "Stacey's Journal" .............. interesting.....
The Perfect Place to just "get away from it all".....if only for a bit...
                                                              Later Kiddies....


  1. That was from when we last "lost it" ... and had to go for a week away.......& then my Dog Died.....

  2. A little "madness" ever now & then...is "treasured" by the wisest men....

  3. The little blue and white capsule gave me back my "Nightmares"....wonderful few nights sleep till I told them and the discontinued that medication.... when i go Friday to have the stitches removed... I find why they have me "no more" listed refills of my nerve medication... That is why I have not shaved for days...Do Not want to pull a Sweeney Todd on myself...
