Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

the Graveyard
The overall yard haunt was not what I wanted but lack of time and money .... Besides I did it for a family friend least she liked it and really enjoyed herself.... That is what counts.
My "coat hanger and paper" Specter

the front steps

My brother and two of his kids

Happy Friends

My "spider"

                                                                              Yard Haunt 2011

Happy Halloween Kiddies

                                              What is Halloween without the "Scarecrow"

                                                         A Happy Hallowe'en from the Crypt  !!!!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

I do not normally post pics of " classic " vampires ... but this is an "iconic" image from my childhood
the little "skull" that I carved from a solid gourd
And What's Halloween without batman's Nemesis, the Scarecrow ??

Happy Hallowe'en .... !!!!!

Marshville Things are full of "Drama"

My new display of Forlorn and "Digger"

Things have been "hectic" to say the least....Broken hearts and rekindled passions... like I said "drama"
 Just crawled into my corner and let the shit fly where it may....
                                                        And we Can Not forget little Sam

Still more pumpkins to carve....
                                                Wishing You And Yours A Very Happy Hallowe'en


I gave away 5 or 6 to kids....

Here's what's Left for me...

                                                   Nearly 1:00 am here    "Happy Halloween....!!!!!!"

Welcome to Hell

                                                       Not a fan of him or "Mr. Bean"

                                                            And a truly Great "Hell" song

Almost Hallowe'en

                                         Starla has been carving jack-o-lanterns all day in my kitchen

Dr. Baxter
Masque of the Red Death
the good Doctor ( Phibes That is)
the "Cool Ghoul" himself
Grandpa Too !!!
"the Phantom"

Mr. Todd
Graff Orlock
                          All getting ready for a Hallowe'en Bash.... with Forlorn and the Doctor
Should only be a small get together
Some of my 12 inch figures