Friday, September 30, 2011

Another young Friend Under the Weather

I have to take a break to tend to my sick friend


Houseful at present... They are My Brother and 3 "friends"
most people are morons
    We may have a small bonfire tonight...( the term "bonfire" came from the middle ages when the plague victims  were disposed of in large "bonefires")

A Tribute to "Sam" (Trick-r-Treat)


Check out "Trick-rTreat Sam Tribute" on You-Tube... (Crash test Dummies) great video clip and perfect for the season... I have listened to it more than 100 times!! I used to have it playing in the background while tending my pumpkin patch..... so do me a favor and add to the number of views that this clip has received. (Note: 'Mr. Kreeg's" front yard was the inspiration for my growing of a pumpkin patch...)
 an upbeat tune and great video..... the Doctor ( I do not know how to place a "link to this You-Tube clip to my page... sorry)

Hello from The Doctor

I will return later today to make more posts (sorry about that)
 My nerves are currently "Trashed"

More Ramblings

 I called the mental health emergency line..... the "lady" ( and I use the term "loosely") sent Three cop cars to my home at 6:00am..... I will never call them again, (Regaurdless of how desperate I have become) I will call Daymark in a few hours and file a complaint as well as make cancelations of my upcoming visits to my group thearpy sessions.....Fuck all of them me and the voices will work things out on our own....... Results may be "unpleasant"........
the little mutt finally showed up ...(at least he is safely home now)   I cannot handle the thought of loosing my little companion ... this would devistate me beyond repair...Brother just showed up and fussed at me for showing up and asking for his help in finding my dog... So now he too is "pissed" at me....I really HATE Humans.......

Welcome Diane

Welcome Diane Hope that you have enjoyed these posts...
A lot going on here at home at present.... Sorry

Thursday, September 29, 2011

More Ramblings

I have calmed as much as I am going to for now.... Still Not Well...
 I guess that i will spend my night looking for my dog... If I do not find him ....
Then people should begin to worry.... this little dog is the last remaning living creature whose existance even matters to me....... loose him and we lose the last remaining remnants of what could be called my "humanity"  .... all because of "friends" not giving a damn about anything that is not "theirs"
 "They ALL Deserve To DIE..."I am slowly dying so Not much even matters to me.....
 I will have to spend the entire night trying to find "Uno".....  By sun up if I have still not found him ...I am afraid that my overall "Personality" will change Forever... and Stacey will become the "Monster' that is inside... Woe be to to the many people who will suffer because of this....

More Ramblings

I arrived home  and took 1& 1/2 of my pills to calm my nerves...i then took my pillow to my room....apparently fell asleep.... some friends showed up and they did Not even think to check my room... so they smoked my only couple of cigarettes....
 And with no one paying attention my dog "Uno", he has escaped.... if some one runs over him ...I will take it out on this town and turn Marshville into a smouldering burnt strip of hwy #74...... between now and Christmas
        the Doctor is not doing very well as of now ...I ripped the faucet from my kitchen sink... and trashed a portion of my pumpkin patch....I will wait until tomorrow to clean up this mess....
 If my dog is not found by then I feel sorry for all of those who will suffer for this....
 Sorry folks ...but ..This may have been the "last straw.....  They all deserve to Die...!!!!!

Story Time Again

 is a little tale of a "Dark Passage" and the horrors that lurk within...

It can be hard to make some people believe the Truth.... especially if the is something that they do Not want to believe........

Grandpa Munster Action Figure

I was able to obtain one of these great figures for my collection... 

Great details and I really love the beakers and test tubes with rack and grandpa's little black bag

More Ramblings

 as of late all this drama tends to take place outside of my home (instead of taking place Here) but it all keeps coming back to try and drag Me into it.... These days my health is not really up to all this....
So for now I continue to "hang in there" ,...That is the Best that I can do.... Mostly trying to duck when it "hits the fan"...

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


A great welcome to our newest follower Lori-Ann Locke.....
I hope that you enjoy the posts on my "blog"

Pumpkin Patch...

 This is the one with small holes in it from insect attack....
                                                   this one is about 15lbs.
Had to harvest all but one of my remaining pumpkins today   unfortunatly one had been damaged by some "pest"   I guess I will have to go ahead and carve it and one of my already harvested ones that has developed a "rot spot" on its top....
this "green" one is the last one left on the vine
all together I now have 10 not counting the "damaged" ones setting in my bedroom floor...
                              all mine (except for the "light one" on the right)

A Maze


Only a bit over one month until Halloween....
Look for more bits of Halloween "fun" in the coming weeks


Remember to check out "The Horrors of It All"  I just watched Sponge Bob's boss Mr. Crabbs Fighting off the undead for a hat ...Lol

Story Time Again

 Tonight we offer a tale of terror from comic artist Paul Cooper... from the comic book "Weird  Worlds"
   Our story tonight is about a "bird lover" and is called "Down in the Cellar"

                              The old man then informs him that he "collects Bird Hunters'
                              Well I think that everyone should collect something as a "hobby"...
 Talk about being a "bird brain".....